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August 06, 2018
Walterboro, SC - ADOPT-A-STREET PROGRAM GROWS IN WALTERBORO. The City’s Appearance Board is back at it with another positive effort in the battle to eliminate litter.The latest successful campaign undertaken by the City’s Appearance Board, headed by Dana Cheney and supported by Summer & David Nay, is the "Adopt-a-Street" program. Dana and David were active at the Rice Festival, other events, and in their local interactions in spreading the word about how individuals can adopt their street and help keep neighborhoods clean and report litter pickup so that the City and State can quantify these activities.To date, Dana and his team have signed up 52 individuals that have adopted 72 streets in the City. This continues to grow and we are showing the state of South Carolina that Walterboro and its citizens take litter seriously and are working hard to eliminate it. Mayor Bill Young commends these effort and commented, "the City is fortunate to have this core group of active and interested citizens working to make a difference. They are building momentum, and deserve both our thanks and our help." If you would like to adopt a street or just learn more, you can email