Please call 843-782-1030 for any after-hours water or sewer emergencies.
SRF Project Sponsor
Construction of upgrades and improvements to the Mable T. Willis Blvd. Well is being financed by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The drinking water SRF program is administered by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control with joint funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State of South Carolina. This project involves the engineering and construction of a chlorination system and emergency standby generator for the new Mable T. Willis Boulevard Well as well as provide disinfection for groundwater pumped from the new well. The generator will ensure a continuous supply of water during emergency situations when the permanent power supply is unavailable. It will also provide fire protection and capacity during peak times for community residents and businesses in and near the City of Walterboro. Drinking-Water SRF programs operate around the country to provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure that protects our valuable water resources.