Request for Qualifications

Request for Qualifications

Comprehensive Engineering Services pertaining to the City's Water & Sewer Utilities

The City of Walterboro is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified Engineering firms to serve as consulting engineers for the City in the preparation of various engineering services that may be requested or required from time to time as needed for maintaining and upgrading its Water & Sewer Utility systems. Women and minority-owned firms are encouraged to apply.

City of Walterboro

The City provides water service to 5,613 customers, sewer service to 2,915 customers. The annual operating budget for the Water & Sewer Operation is approximately $4 million.


Work may include, but is not limited to the following:

• Project Organization and Management

• Field Surveys

• Environmental Documentation and NEPA

• Compliance Environmental and Encroachment

• Permitting Hydrology and Hydraulic Design

• Water and Waste Water Design

• Geotechnical Services

• Hazardous Material Survey and Mitigation

• Utility Coordination including Subsurface Utility

• Engineering Construction Administration and Inspection

Submittal of Qualifications

Interested firms shall submit four (4) copies of their Statement of Qualifications (SOQs). The SOQ will contain the following elements:

(1) The professional training, expertise and qualifications of the specific individuals to be assigned to the project for which the RFQ has been issued.

(2) Past performances of the firm submitting the RFQ.

(3) Location of the firm.

(4) Recent, current and projected workload of the firm.

(5) Creativity, insight and approach to the project.

(6) Related experience on similar projects.

(7) Other factors deemed relevant to the project.

(8) Willingness to meet time and budget requirements.
The City of Walterboro will receive SOQs from interested firms until 5:00 p.m. (EST) on January 28, 2019, at City Hall, located at 242 Hampton Street, PO Box 709, Walterboro, SC 29488. Envelopes and/or parcels containing the SOQ should be clearly labeled “City of Walterboro Engineering Services - Statement of Qualifications.”

SOQ Review & Evaluations

After receipt of the SOQs, a committee within the City will review and evaluate the content and qualifications presented in each package. Based on the review and evaluation of all SOQs received, the committee will recommend from one (1) firm to a maximum of five (5) firms to invite for an interview with City personnel to discuss the information contained in the SOQ and other general and/or specific inquiries. Presentation or discussion of cost proposals will be excluded during this process. Upon completion of the interviews, the firms shall be ranked. A final scope of services and a fee shall be negotiated with the highest ranked firm capable of meeting City budget and time limitations.

SOQ Point of Contact

Questions regarding this RFQ shall be directed to:

Wayne Crosby

Utilities Director

City of Walterboro

(843) 782-1020


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